My Journey to be Healther

A photo journal of what I do to in hopes to become more aware of how I treat my body.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

How Free was your Freedom??

I am reading Cane River. It is a book about 5 generations of women that started out as slaves. It got me to thinking about my own heritage, about being born in the USA.

My grandmother was a Cherokee Indian. My grandfather came from Sicily when he was boy. He was an illegal that came to the USA through New Orleans. I have my freedom, I did not have to work for it or even earn it. BUT SOMEONE had to do this for me. If you are in the USA, someone, if not yourself had to FIGHT so that you could be here.

So, why do we fight amongst ourselves? Maybe your ancestors did not come to the USA willingly, but they did choose to stay .We are all here because someone wanted us to live a dream. To have freedoms that you can not have anywhere else. Religious freedoms, freedom of speech, to read what we want to read, and to have our pursuit of happiness.

In my own area I see racial discrimination. I am white. I did not get to chose that, it was how I was born. JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!! How a person is does not have anything to do with color. There is trash in every ethic group, there are those that work hard to make something of themselves. To better their lives and their family's lives. Our blood is the same color, RED.

Sept 11th just passed. Citizenship day is Sept 17th. Let's fight TOGETHER to keep this country the best in the world. The most FREE country in the world.

We as a nation can only do this if we stand together against those that want to see this dream destroyed. To allow that would be to dishonor our ancestors that fought for us, their future family to have a free place to live. It would dishonor those that to this day still fight so that they can come to our home, to make it their home as well.

Now go buy a Coke ;)