My Journey to be Healther

A photo journal of what I do to in hopes to become more aware of how I treat my body.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I admit it!! I am a horrible used to be homeschooling mommy.

I will ALWAYS support homeschooling. Homeschooled kids are more freeier and learn a lot more than those public schooled kids.  I homeschooled until my youngest hit 1st grade. If you count from birth I homeschooled for almost 15 years!

Last school year was the first year that all school aged children went to school. Guess what?  I ENJOYED IT!!  I know in the homeschool world that makes me an aweful mommy.  A mommy should always want to be there for every single thing their child does. Enjoy in their learning, and help them learn 24 hours a day.

I SO love my children, and their hugs, and their little projects. I love to inspire them, go the library together. Even learning trips together. Everyday is a learning day for us!

I also am looking forward to late August when all of my children will be in school. I will be able to go grocery shopping during the day without a child on me. Have coffee with a friend whose homeschooled children are now grown and on their own. Get my hair done in a salon without being rushed for a change.. MAYBE even get a pedicure!  I will be selfish and watch what I want on TV while I fold the clothes.

I will LOVE picking them up and hearing about their day. They will sit in the kitchen getting their snacks and doing their homework as I start supper.  They will have a happy mommy who is ready to listen to them and help them.

Although I will always think homeschooling is the best, this Mom makes a horrible homeschooling mommy..

Let the 'how terrible you are' comments commence! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Besides, there are seasons of life. For this season, this works for your family. At some point, you may enter another season and decide to bring them back home. But in any case, the type of education one chooses is not the sole indicator of one's parenting. I just wish you lived close enough that we could do lunch and get pedicures once in awhile. :)
